#include "blake2b.h"
#include "ckb_syscalls.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "secp256k1_helper.h"
This is a lock script code using the same secp256k1 signature verification algorithm as used in bitcoin. When executed, it performs the blake2b hash (with “ckb-default-hash” used as the personalization value) on the following concatenated components:
The blake2b hash result is then used as a message to verify the recoverable signature provided in the lock field of the modified witness object mentioned above. From the recoverable signature, we can derive the public key, we then run another blake2b hash (with “ckb-default-hash” used as personalization), take the first 160 bit of the hashed result(hence the blake160 name), and compare those 160-bit values with what is stored in script args part of current running script. If they do match, the signature verification is succeeded.
Note that we distinguish between lock script and lock script code here: when we say lock script code, we mean only the RISC-V binary compiled from the current C source file; when we say lock script, however, we mean the whole lock script including script args part. A consequence here, is that one transaction in CKB might contain input cells using the same lock script code here, but with different script args(hence different lock script), in those cases, this underlying lock script code will be executed multiple times when validating a single transaction, each time with a different lock script.
First we will need to include a few headers here, for legacy reasons, this repository ships with those headers. We are now maintaining a new repository with most of those headers included. If you are building a new script, we do recommend you to take a look at what’s in the new repository, and use the code there directly.
#include "blake2b.h"
#include "ckb_syscalls.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "secp256k1_helper.h"
Common definitions here, one important limitation, is that this lock script only works with scripts and witnesses that are no larger than 32KB. We believe this should be enough for most cases.
Here we are also employing a common convention: we append the recovery ID to the end of the 64-byte compact recoverable signature.
#define BLAKE160_SIZE 20
#define PUBKEY_SIZE 33
#define TEMP_SIZE 32768
#define RECID_INDEX 64
/* 32 KB */
#define MAX_WITNESS_SIZE 32768
#define SCRIPT_SIZE 32768
Compile-time guard against buffer abuse
#error "Temp buffer is not big enough!"
To use this script, some conventions are required:
The script args part should contain the blake160 hash of a public key, which is the first 20 bytes of the blake2b hash(with “ckb-default-hash” as personalization) of the used public key. This is used to shield the real public key till the first spend.
The first witness, or the first witness of the same index as the first input cell using current lock script, should be a WitnessArgs object in molecule serialization format. The lock field of said WitnessArgs object should contain a 65-byte recoverable signature to prove ownership.
int main() {
int ret;
uint64_t len = 0;
unsigned char temp[TEMP_SIZE];
unsigned char lock_bytes[SIGNATURE_SIZE];
First let’s load and extract script args part, which is also the blake160 hash of public key from current running script.
unsigned char script[SCRIPT_SIZE];
ret = ckb_load_script(script, &len, 0);
if (ret != CKB_SUCCESS) {
if (len > SCRIPT_SIZE) {
mol_seg_t script_seg;
script_seg.ptr = (uint8_t *)script;
script_seg.size = len;
if (MolReader_Script_verify(&script_seg, false) != MOL_OK) {
mol_seg_t args_seg = MolReader_Script_get_args(&script_seg);
mol_seg_t args_bytes_seg = MolReader_Bytes_raw_bytes(&args_seg);
if (args_bytes_seg.size != BLAKE160_SIZE) {
Load the first witness, or the witness of the same index as the first input using current script.
uint64_t witness_len = MAX_WITNESS_SIZE;
ret = ckb_load_witness(temp, &witness_len, 0, 0, CKB_SOURCE_GROUP_INPUT);
if (ret != CKB_SUCCESS) {
if (witness_len > MAX_WITNESS_SIZE) {
We will treat the first witness as WitnessArgs object, and extract the lock field from the object.
mol_seg_t lock_bytes_seg;
ret = extract_witness_lock(temp, witness_len, &lock_bytes_seg);
if (ret != 0) {
The lock field must be 65 byte long to represent a (possibly) valid signature.
if (lock_bytes_seg.size != SIGNATURE_SIZE) {
We keep the signature in the temporary location, since later we will modify the WitnessArgs object in place for message hashing.
memcpy(lock_bytes, lock_bytes_seg.ptr, lock_bytes_seg.size);
Load the current transaction hash.
unsigned char tx_hash[BLAKE2B_BLOCK_SIZE];
ret = ckb_load_tx_hash(tx_hash, &len, 0);
if (ret != CKB_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
if (len != BLAKE2B_BLOCK_SIZE) {
Here we start to prepare the message used in signature verification. First, let’s hash the just loaded transaction hash.
unsigned char message[BLAKE2B_BLOCK_SIZE];
blake2b_state blake2b_ctx;
blake2b_init(&blake2b_ctx, BLAKE2B_BLOCK_SIZE);
blake2b_update(&blake2b_ctx, tx_hash, BLAKE2B_BLOCK_SIZE);
We’ve already saved the signature above to a different location. We can then modify the witness object in place to save both memory usage and runtime cycles. The message requires us to use all zeros in the place where a signature should be presented.
memset((void *)lock_bytes_seg.ptr, 0, lock_bytes_seg.size);
Before hashing each witness, we need to hash the witness length first as a 64-bit unsigned little endian integer.
blake2b_update(&blake2b_ctx, (char *)&witness_len, sizeof(uint64_t));
Now let’s hash the first modified witness.
blake2b_update(&blake2b_ctx, temp, witness_len);
Let’s loop and hash all witnesses with the same indices as the remaining input cells using current running lock script.
size_t i = 1;
while (1) {
Using CKB_SOURCE_GROUP_INPUT as the source value provides us with a quick way to loop through all input cells using current running lock script. We don’t have to loop and check each individual cell by ourselves.
ret = ckb_load_witness(temp, &len, 0, i, CKB_SOURCE_GROUP_INPUT);
if (ret == CKB_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUND) {
if (ret != CKB_SUCCESS) {
if (len > MAX_WITNESS_SIZE) {
Before hashing each witness, we need to hash the witness length first as a 64-bit unsigned little endian integer.
blake2b_update(&blake2b_ctx, (char *)&len, sizeof(uint64_t));
blake2b_update(&blake2b_ctx, temp, len);
i += 1;
For safety consideration, this lock script will also hash and guard all witnesses that have index values equal to or larger than the number of input cells. It assumes all witnesses that do have an input cell with the same index, will be guarded by the lock script of the input cell.
For convenience reason, we provide a utility function here to calculate the number of input cells in a transaction.
i = calculate_inputs_len();
while (1) {
Here we are guarding input cells with any arbitrary lock script, hence we are using the plain CKB_SOURCE_INPUT source to loop all witnesses.
ret = ckb_load_witness(temp, &len, 0, i, CKB_SOURCE_INPUT);
if (ret == CKB_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUND) {
if (ret != CKB_SUCCESS) {
if (len > MAX_WITNESS_SIZE) {
Before hashing each witness, we need to hash the witness length first as a 64-bit unsigned little endian integer.
blake2b_update(&blake2b_ctx, (char *)&len, sizeof(uint64_t));
blake2b_update(&blake2b_ctx, temp, len);
i += 1;
Now the message preparation is completed.
blake2b_final(&blake2b_ctx, message, BLAKE2B_BLOCK_SIZE);
We are using bitcoin’s secp256k1 library for signature verification here. To the best of our knowledge, this is an unmatched advantage of CKB: you can ship cryptographic algorithm within your smart contract, you don’t have to wait for the foundation to ship a new cryptographic algorithm. You can just build and ship your own.
secp256k1_context context;
uint8_t secp_data[CKB_SECP256K1_DATA_SIZE];
ret = ckb_secp256k1_custom_verify_only_initialize(&context, secp_data);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature signature;
if (secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature_parse_compact(
&context, &signature, lock_bytes, lock_bytes[RECID_INDEX]) == 0) {
From the recoverable signature, we can derive the public key used.
secp256k1_pubkey pubkey;
if (secp256k1_ecdsa_recover(&context, &pubkey, &signature, message) != 1) {
Let’s serialize the signature first, then generate the blake2b hash.
size_t pubkey_size = PUBKEY_SIZE;
if (secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(&context, temp, &pubkey_size, &pubkey,
blake2b_init(&blake2b_ctx, BLAKE2B_BLOCK_SIZE);
blake2b_update(&blake2b_ctx, temp, pubkey_size);
blake2b_final(&blake2b_ctx, temp, BLAKE2B_BLOCK_SIZE);
As mentioned above, we are only using the first 160 bits(20 bytes), if they match the value provided as the first 20 bytes of script args, the signature verification is considered to be successful.
if (memcmp(args_bytes_seg.ptr, temp, BLAKE160_SIZE) != 0) {
return 0;